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Terrain Generation


This API is only available on servers.

Mods can implement their own terrain generators to customize the world as they see fit. A good use of a terrain generator is for minigame arenas. Using a terrain generator for an arena means that the chunks can easily be regenerated for the next round of the minigame.

Defining a World Generator

To generate custom terrain, a mod must extend the WorldGenerator class and implement the GenerateChunk abstract method. The Name attribute is used to give the generator a good human readable name, and the Key attribute is the key that the generator uses.

[Name("Custom Generator")]
public class CustomGenerator : WorldGenerator
public override void GenerateChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ, ChunkData chunkData)

By default the chunk is filled with air voxels. To populate the chunk, the ChunkData.SetVoxel(x, y, z, VoxelDef) method is used. Since a chunk is 16x16x16, the SetVoxel x, y, and z parameters can only range from [0, 15] (inclusive).

Registering a World Generator

To register a world generator, the LoadGeneratorsStage method must be overrided in your mod's class that extends CubivoxMod.

public override void LoadGeneratorsStage(GeneratorRegistry generatorRegistry)
generatorRegistry.RegisterWorldGenerator(this, new CustomGenerator());

LoadGeneratorsStage is only called on servers. It will never be executed on clients.


Spleef Arena

[Name("Cubivox Spleef")]
public class SpleefGenerator : WorldGenerator
private VoxelDef testVoxel;
private VoxelDef spleefVoxel;

public SpleefGenerator()
var testKey = ControllerKeyUtils.CubivoxControllerKey("testblock");
var spleefVoxelKey = ControllerKey.Create("cubivoxspleef", "spleefvoxel");

testVoxel = Cubivox.GetItemRegistry().GetVoxelDefinition( testKey );
spleefVoxel = Cubivox.GetItemRegistry().GetVoxelDefinition( spleefVoxelKey );

public override void GenerateChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ, ChunkData chunkData)
// Main Platform
if (chunkX <= 1 && chunkX >= -1 &&
chunkY == 6 &&
chunkZ <= 1 && chunkZ >= 1)
for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++)
for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++)
chunkData.SetVoxel(x, 8, z, spleefVoxel);

// Spectator Platform
if (chunkX == 0 && chunkY == 7 && chunkZ == -2)
for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++)
for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++)
chunkData.SetVoxel(x, 8, z, testVoxel);